Remote Teams

Maximizing Productivity with Flexibility: A Comprehensive Guide to Hybrid Work Policies

July 31, 2023

Although hybrid work has been in practice informally for longer, it has become a widely accepted operational mode during the past three years. Post-pandemic, more and more companies are paying attention to formalizing their remote and hybrid work policy to fully utilize the changing workplace dynamics. 

The increasing popularity of alternative work modes is putting pressure on executives and managers to offer a flexible environment for their employees.

Businesses that fail to develop well-defined, straightforward, and effectively communicated hybrid work policies may experience productivity loss and increased employee turnover, among other setbacks.

We all want it that way!


  • Demand for hybrid work has increased after the pandemic, and its benefits include increased productivity, work-life balance, and access to a broader talent pool.
  • A hybrid work policy is a set of rules defining hybrid work parameters, remote work expectations and schedules, and performance KPIs.
  • Our hybrid working policy template outlines all the key areas for drafting effective and clear policy guidelines.
  • Ongoing support, trust, transparency, and accountability are essential for successfully implementing a hybrid work mode.
  • Regular policy reviews and revisions are necessary to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Best practices include effective communication, training for managers, additional support for remote employees, and utilizing time tracking tools like timegram.

What is a Hybrid Work Policy?

A hybrid work policy is a documented set of rules and regulations aimed at providing a structured operational model to enhance employee productivity and ensure the parameters of the hybrid work arrangement are pre-defined.

As a manager, your primary goal is to help your employees perform at their peak potential for maximum profitability, and it requires a healthy environment conducive to productivity. An employee-first approach can lead to the best outcomes for your team's productivity.

Important Factors for Post-Pandemic Work Model Planning: Zippia

Hybrid work allows employees to divide their schedule between physical and remote workspaces according to tasks, commitments, engagements, or days in the week. It can be a loose arrangement on an individual basis, or a fixed schedule requiring 2,3 days in the office.

Full time remote work could be extended to some employees or teams based on the nature and specificity of roles. On the organizational level, it is about creating a more inclusive, dynamic work culture where employees feel seen and heard, and business efficiency is maximized.

This is all good. But what’s in it for you? Let’s break down the particular advantages and challenges of a hybrid work culture.

Why Do You Need to Implement a Hybrid Work Policy?

The explosion of a remote work culture out of necessity during the pandemic proved that most jobs could be carried out with the same efficiency irrespective of the location of the employees. 

As the world is returning to normal after the lockdowns, it is clear that the emergency arrangements have opened up a whole new approach to what can be defined as a workplace. This shift is most prominent in the business world, where the relationship between businesses and their workforce is rapidly evolving.

There are multiple benefits of embracing a hybrid work policy, including different approaches to how, when, and where the work will be carried out.  

  • Productivity gets a boost: It is a no-brainer that cutting down on commuting time and office formalities saves a lot of time, not to forget reduced fatigue and anxiety. Employees are more productive when they are well-rested and working in comfortable environments and on flexible schedules.
  • Increased employee well-being: Flexibility is the biggest benefit of a hybrid work arrangement. Employees can better maintain a work-life balance by having enough time for both. They can manage their responsibilities and focus on work with improved self-care, and emotional well being.
  • You can hire the best talent: Many talented individuals are now interested in more flexible work opportunities. By removing the geographical restrictions, you can expand your talent pool and hire people who might be situated unfavorably to work from your office but are highly compatible for specific roles in your organization.

Is it Possible to Have Too Much of a Good Thing?

It’s a consensus that hybrid work enhances overall employee well-being by offering increased flexibility, more opportunities for self-care, and additional time spent with family at home. 

However, a note of caution must be added here: since it is still a new and developing mode of work-life, there can be some snags that must be anticipated. Surely, you know that too much of anything new is the beginning of a mess!

Challenges are Only Opportunities in Disguise

To reap the benefits of increased flexibility, ensure that working conditions and limitations are laid out in advance. 

Clear communication

The hybrid work model presents challenges in communication, particularly for those who find in-person interactions more effective for collaborative work. This can result in difficulties for remote workers and new staff members who may feel isolated or unsure about work-related queries. Technological barriers and lack of clear directions can also impact productivity in hybrid work settings. 

You can establish effective and transparent communication by providing multiple channels for official correspondence. Being repetitive is always better than not being clear! 


In a remote setting, staying connected with the management and colleagues could be overlooked, affecting employee engagement. Encourage regular communication to promote a sense of connectedness within teams. 

There are multiple strategies to establish a healthy workplace culture where employees feel seen and heard. Organize virtual social events, such as virtual happy hours, or lighten up the environment by infusing humor into daily interactions and requests. Utilizing remote team management tools helps overcome the distance and ensure employee engagement despite the physical separation imposed by remote work.


The impact of a hybrid work arrangement cuts both ways depending on the ability of employees and managers to establish and sustain a productive routine, which can be challenging for employees working from home. Managers can empower their teams by creating a structured yet flexible work schedule to suit their specific needs.                 

Productivity should be evaluated based on output rather than time and space considerations. Leveraging efficient time tracking and productivity solutions provides performance visibility and ensures employees thrive in their respective work environments.

On the Home Stretch: Developing a Hybrid Work Policy

Developing a comprehensive hybrid work policy that combines remote and in-office work requires careful deliberation over the following key components:

1. Assessing Organizational Needs and Goals

Assessing the specific needs and goals of the company is essential for developing an effective hybrid work policy. It includes evaluating the nature of the work, client requirements, and team dynamics. Understanding these factors helps determine to what extent remote work is feasible and beneficial for business operations.

2. Developing Hybrid Remote Work Guidelines

You can ensure a smooth transition to the hybrid work model by establishing remote and in-office work guidelines to maintain productivity and collaboration. You need to;

  • Identify roles and responsibilities
  • Determine the frequency of in-office presence
  • Establish procedures for requesting remote work
  • Specify work hours and availability
  • Outline accountability measures
  • Define performance indicators

3. Defining Communication and Collaboration Practices

You can only create a thriving hybrid work environment with effective communication and collaboration. Before you get the policy in writing, ask yourself if you are clear about the guidelines for virtual meetings, project management tools, and communication channels to ensure effective collaboration among remote and in-office team members. Regular check-ins and virtual team-building activities can also help foster a sense of connection within your team.

4. Incorporating Flexible Scheduling Options

What attracts employees to hybrid work is the flexibility it offers. It is essential to incorporate flexible scheduling options that accommodate their needs, such as staggered work hours or compressed work weeks. It promotes work-life balance and allows employees to manage personal commitments while meeting work responsibilities.

5. Emphasizing Employee Well-being and Work-Life Balance

A key consideration in developing a hybrid work policy should be prioritizing employee well-being and work-life balance. Make a note to encourage regular breaks, establish boundaries between work and personal life, and provide resources for mental health support. A healthy work culture promotes employee engagement, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

Hybrid Work Policy Template: Structure and Content

Here is a hybrid work policy template to help you create a comprehensive policy. Each section provides examples of the content to be included in the document.

1. Introduction and Purpose of the Policy

Introduce your hybrid work policy by defining its scope, goals, and purposes. For instance:

Following guidelines apply to timegram employees who work from a combination of the office and remote workspace and those working remotely full-time on a temporary or permanent basis. Depending on the organizational roles, we aim to accommodate both in-office and remote work arrangements to maximize employee engagement and productivity, and ensure an uninterrupted workflow.”

Explain the eligibility criteria for hybrid and remote work arrangements according to role specification, department, or special needs cases. Define the procedure for requesting any extension or exemption from the regular criteria and a reference to the designated HR heads.

2. General Guidelines for Hybrid Work Arrangements

Before listing the guidelines, elaborate on the goals and objectives of your business. Define the value proposition that drives your company's policies, internal operations, and customer relations. For instance:

timegram is a privacy-first smart time tracking solution that strictly follows a non-surveillance policy and openly supports hybrid work culture. We empower our team to deliver their best work from anywhere by providing the right tools and environment for better productivity. We establish transparency and accountability without compromising employee satisfaction and autonomy.”

The general guidelines can apply to all employees regardless of their location, and you must ensure they understand their responsibilities and the company’s expectations. 

1. Attendance and schedule

In this section, you can lay out the work schedules, number of hours, days in office and attendance or check-in/checkout procedure.

Example: All employees working remotely or in-office must adhere to the company's attendance policies. This includes punctuality, notifying supervisors of absences or changes in schedule, and following established procedures for requesting time off.

2. Performance evaluation and feedback processes

Share the key performance indicators (KPIs) in this clause to assess employee productivity and success. For example, customer satisfaction rate or time taken to complete the tasks.

Mention that performance reports will be shared with employees to help them assess the areas of improvement. Managers will hold one-on-one feedback sessions with individuals and team meetings to resolve any compliance or management issues. 

3. Work requirements and expectations

Here, outline the work requirements clearly.

Example: Employees working remotely must have a reliable internet connection, a distraction-free workspace, and all the essential equipment. They must maintain focus during working hours, adhere to break and attendance schedules, and participate in meetings virtually. Those working part-time in the office must punctually be present on days mentioned in the contract and available for in-person meetings.

4. Communication and collaboration guidelines

Create guidelines for maintaining communication and collaboration within and across the teams.

Example: All employees must maintain regular communication and promote collaboration strategies for successful teamwork regardless of location. Emails and texts must be responded to within an hour of receiving them. List down the communication channels for official correspondence, like Slack, Zoom, Google Chat, etc.

5. Technology and equipment considerations

Establish the logistics and technological provisions before employees sign up for hybrid work. 

Example: The organization will provide collaboration tools and software to enhance workflow and communication. Necessary training will also be provided for the successful implementation of these tools. Any equipment (laptops, headsets, etc.) issued to the remote employee should be kept secure and must not be misused. Workforce analytics software will be installed on all the devices used for work.

6. Compliance with legal and security requirements

It is important to communicate the legal and security requirements and your company’s compliance expectations from employees. You can add a reference link to the relevant sources.

State that employees must handle sensitive information securely, follow data storage and transmission protocols, and maintain the same level of confidentiality as their office-based colleagues. You can make it compulsory to specify the remote location address in the contract.

7. No discrimination/Equal Opportunity

The code of work ethics can be stated here. 

Example: Employees must acknowledge the company's anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policies. They should promote a diverse and inclusive work environment and avoid any form of discrimination or harassment in their interactions with colleagues, clients, or partners.

Not to be missed: Your Definitive Guide for Building a Remote Work Policy

Review and revision processes

“A mind stretched by new ideas can never return to its original dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Hybrid work is here to stay, and there is no going back to how the workplace was perceived before the pandemic hit. Yet, there is no standard or fixed policy design to fit the needs of every organization. Elon Musk at Twitter ordered the employees back in office only to revert his decision recently. Twitter’s Seattle and Singapore offices are now closed, and all staff is working remotely.

Conversely, Google has now tightened its hybrid policy, making it mandatory to work from the office 3 days a week. But that’s the lower side of the spectrum. Recent surveys revealed that only 3% of corporate executives indicated they would decrease the availability of remote work in their companies.

What does it tell us? 

Hybrid work continuously evolves, and successful businesses keep up with the trend by actively reviewing and adopting their policies. Periodical reviews and employee feedback indicate the varying impact of how you tailor and support flexibility with other policy areas. 

Timely revisions and adjustments stabilize productivity according to the particular needs of the industry, organizational roles, or employees. The future of a successful hybrid work culture lies in inclusivity, adaptability, and a data-driven approach to decision making. 

Best Practices for Implementing a Hybrid Work Policy

1. Communicate the Policy Effectively

Implementing a hybrid work policy requires more than a formal agreement by employees. Make sure that employees have conceived the true purpose of flexibility and are ready to embrace a hybrid work schedule.

To achieve this, communicate the policy through regular training sessions and email reminders, emphasizing its benefits and specific rules, and proactively seek employee feedback to address any concerns they may have.

Make the policy handbook easily accessible to everyone through a central knowledge base or employee portal. Keeping a record of all agreements readily available is essential for responding to employee inquiries. Most importantly, lead by example and support managers in adhering to the policy.

2. Train Managers and Supervisors for Successful Implementation

It is very critical to prioritize the learning and development of managers and prepare them to lead their teams into hybrid work mode. The key areas that require focus regarding the training of executives in a hybrid framework are:

  • Enhancing communication skills to navigate the challenges of remote and in-person interactions.
  • Developing effective KPIs tailored to the unique dynamics of a hybrid workforce.
  • Building strong teams and fostering collaboration in physical and virtual settings.

As a manager, you should be equipped to handle hybrid-working requests and schedules, promote inclusion and diversity, boost employee engagement, and ensure a smooth onboarding experience for remote and in-office employees.

3. Provide Ongoing Support and Resources for Remote Employees

We have discussed above that hybrid remote work is not free of challenges. Concerning employee well-being, addressing the other side of work-life imbalance that can arise in a hybrid work environment is crucial.

Look out for signs of disengagement or mental health issues, as these can be harder to detect in hybrid and remote workers. Some employees may struggle with separating personal life and work while working from home.

Provide training to help employees develop a healthy relationship with technology usage to prevent burnout and promote balance. Introduce time-management techniques like time blocking and the 1-3-5 rule for clear prioritization and maximized productivity.

See that employees are well-informed about the risks and implications associated with hybrid working. If necessary, develop a personalized schedule for employees needing to return to the office more often.

4. Encourage a Culture of Trust, Transparency, and Accountability

You may be tempted to micromanage remote employees more than office workers, but staying glued to the desk is no measure of productivity. Let employees figure out how and when they can work better and focus on the results delivered than the number of hours worked. 

Employees may have more creative ideas regarding time and task management and must be encouraged to practice them. Listen to them and welcome all perspectives, as long as the workflow is not interrupted and the outcome is satisfactory.

Respect autonomy and privacy to establish a culture of transparency, accountability, and personal responsibility. The best move in this regard is to implement a time and task management system based on non-invasive productivity tracking.

5. Monitor Productivity and Utilize Time Tracking Tools Effectively

Keep track of remote employees to ensure they are positively engaged and not heading towards burnout due to the blurred line between the workplace and home. And the best solution for utilizing workforce analytics without disrupting employee productivity is a smart time tracking solution, like timegram.

When employees know they can log their most productive activities and leave out the rest, they will be motivated to reciprocate with a sense of responsibility. With the help of time tracking data and visual dashboards, you can effortlessly create performance reports based on KPIs and assess the success of the hybrid work policy. 

Employees are better equipped to create an effective work schedule by knowing their most productive hours and productivity patterns. Automated time tracking runs in the background eliminating the need to start and stop timers, making sure all the activities performed on work devices are safely recorded.

As they say, you cannot manage what you cannot measure; time tracking enables you to successfully implement the hybrid work policy by providing all the information you need to manage your remote employees.

Wrap Up

The rise of hybrid work has presented both opportunities and challenges for businesses. Embracing the popular demand for flexible work arrangements allows you to enhance productivity, promote work-life balance, and tap into a wider talent pool.

While implementing a hybrid work policy is crucial to harness the benefits of increased flexibility and address occasional snags, its effectiveness is impacted by how clearly work expectations are defined and communicated. 

The hybrid remote work policy sample provided in this blog is a basic template that can be (read must be) customized to accommodate your business goals and objectives. It is essential to consider the common challenges and particular limitations while writing your draft. 

Clear communication channels, regular check-ins, and virtual team-building activities can foster a sense of connection and collaboration among remote and in-office team members. It is also important to evaluate productivity based on output, not the number of hours worked and employee location.

Devising a hybrid work policy with clear directions, effective productivity management, and time tracking solutions is the key to thriving in today's rapidly evolving workforce dynamics.

Time tracking solutions like timegram simplify the implementation of a hybrid work policy by sorting out the biggest challenge of remote work: performance visibility! Automated time tracking and productivity monitoring empower employees to create effective work schedules and enable managers to assess performance and make data-driven decisions.

Help your remote employees identify their strengths and weaknesses without invading their privacy and ensure a smooth transition to a productive and efficient hybrid work environment. 

Can’t wait? Read more about our key features and sign up today for free!  


How many days in the office is hybrid working?

The specific number of days employees work in the office can vary depending on the organization's hybrid work policy and individual preferences. In a typical hybrid work arrangement, employees have to spend 2-3 days per week working in the office, and the remaining days are spent working remotely. The exact number of office days can be flexible and customized to meet the organization's and its employees' needs.

What day of the week do most people go into the office?

According to Kastle Systems, Wednesday is the most popular day for employees to work from the office. This preference could be because employees tend to be focused on completing tasks remotely during the early part of the week, so they may choose to work from office on Wednesdays and Thursdays when they have accomplished most of the critical work at home.

Can employees choose their preferred days in the office? 

Employees can choose their preferred office work days in some hybrid work models. This flexibility allows employees to align their in-office days with collaborative activities, team meetings, or tasks requiring physical presence. It is also an opportunity for organizations to support work-life balance and accommodate individual preferences.

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Sidra Ali Shah

About the author

Sidra is a research scholar and a philosophy nerd who fell in love with language at a very young age. She believes it's words and their combinations that make the world go round. In her free time, she likes to brainstorm with her children.

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