Track Time & Performance
Manage Projects & Team
Skyrocket Productivity

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Smart Time Tracking

Smart, accurate time tracking to ensure every productive minute is accounted for via the Highlights App.

See the Highlights of Your Team’s Work

See what your team has been working on throughout the day at a glance. It captures the time spent on all desktop and online applications, intelligently groups them into Highlights, and gives your employees the freedom to log only the productive activities while keeping everything else private.

No More Manual Time Logging

Start/stop timers and piling spreadsheets - that's old school and inefficient. Get smart, accurate time tracking to ensure all your team's work is automatically captured and logged easily through simple select and add actions.

Project Planning & Task Management

Plan projects by assigning tasks to team members and tracking progress from a holistic visual dashboard for effective resource allocation and on-time completions.

Plan Projects with Utmost Ease

Create projects and assign tasks on intuitive, visual timelines that give information about your team’s capacity and a clean bird’s eye view of the planned projects.

Integrate with your favorite PM tool

Track time in your favorite PM tools like Jira, ClickUp, and Asana with our integrations. Alternatively, utilize our built-in project management suite to manage tasks, track progress, set deadlines, manage clients, and more.

Time Tracking and Tasks - Integrated!

See exactly how time spent on each task is contributing to different business outcomes, giving you clear performance insights for better decision making.

Estimated vs. Actual Time

Instantly see estimated vs. actual time spent on completing tasks, allowing you to build more accurate and realistic timelines for future projects.

Performance Insights & Reports

Get deep insights into projects, tasks, clients, costs, and employee productivity to see your team’s performance in a holistic dashboard and through quick exportable reports.

In-Depth Day-to-Day Progress at a Glance

See the progress on tasks and projects and compare them against the estimated project delivery times to ensure your team is on track.

Holistic Productivity Reports at your Fingertips

Get daily, weekly, or monthly timesheets and productivity reports of individual team members to learn how your team is spending their time and contributing to business success.

Billing and Invoicing

Easily convert billable time into detailed invoices and set schedules for recurring payments with just a few clicks.

Segment Billable and Non-Billable Work

Easily tag billable work from the non-billable activities and create invoices based on your preferences

Convert Tracked Time into Detailed Invoices

Automatically convert timesheets into detailed invoices with a complete project log so that there is no discrepancy between billable hours and actual work done.

Our Privacy-First Promise

We believe trust is the foundation of a productive, results-driven team. That’s why we preach the privacy-first approach and strictly follow a zero-surveillance policy, enabling you to give employees the privacy they deserve. That means no screenshots, keystroke tracking, no webcam captures, microphone monitoring, or any other spying tactics.

timegram very well makes up for the lack of invasive employee monitoring with its smart time tracking and productivity management capabilities.

See how timegram secures your data

Try timegram Today!

No credit card required. No strings attached. Just pure time tracking automation magic.

Don’t Buy It ...

until you’ve tried it yourself.

• Privacy-first employee tracking
• Productivity insights
• Performance reporting

And much more, all wrapped into a
single solution!

Get Started Now