Workplace Success

Check that Off the List! : A Practical Approach to Keeping Track of Tasks at Work

August 9, 2023

The electronic boom erupting in the second half of the last century made the anticipators assume that the daily grind would be reduced and people would have more leisure time at the turn of the millennium. Two decades into the 21st century, it turns out humans have to up their pace with the technology they are creating.

As productivity parameters are swiftly evolving in an exceedingly globalized world, very few people already have the incredible time and task management skills that sail them through the never-ending flow of things to do.

But that’s not a verdict; it certainly does not imply that the rest of us are doomed!

The masters of time management have put their expertise to use in creating various techniques and tools to help the procrastinators and the overwhelmed among us.                       

By understanding how and what methods work for whom, you can create an effective plan of action to keep track of tasks at work and match your productivity with your goals and expectations.


  • Keeping track of tasks at work enhances your productivity and efficiency as a professional.
  • Effective task tracking requires understanding the challenges associated with time management and utilizing appropriate methodologies.
  • Utilizing tools like digital to-do list apps and time tracking software can significantly improve your task management. 
  • Regular reviews and consistency are crucial for staying organized and maintaining an efficient task tracking routine. 

Understanding the Challenges of Task Management

It is easy to fall into the trap of procrastination and disorganization when you have a heap load of tasks to do. An environment full of distractions doesn’t help, either. It's not just a coincidence that people who never have time are usually the people who are struggling with task management!

Understanding what bars you from effectively dividing your time into tasks goes a long way toward creating effective solutions and optimizing productivity.

Let's look at some common challenges to determine how to keep track of work tasks.

  • Overwhelming workload: One of the primary challenges in task management is dealing with an overwhelming workload. Multitasking, handling correspondence through various communication channels, and unrealistically tight deadlines can lead to stress, confusion, and decreased productivity.
  • Procrastination: Nothing is more debilitating than not wanting to do the right thing at the right time. Delaying tasks accumulates workload to unmanageable proportions. It is as simple as “the more you do, the more you are able to do.” Putting off tasks until the last minute can lead to rushed work, increased stress, and compromised results.    
  • Lack of prioritization: A sense of proportion and judgment is critical to time management skills. If you don’t have a clear view of what is more important and urgent and what can wait, you will end up wasting time on things that are neither important nor urgent.
  • Inefficient planning: Poor planning can lead to inadequate time budgeting and allocation for tasks, causing delays and unnecessary stress. As Boone Pickens said, a fool with a plan is better off than a genius without a plan!
  • Lack of organization: Being organized and planning ahead go hand in hand to keep track of tasks at work. Making mental notes and relying on memory doesn’t give you a clear estimate of time against tasks. Without a management system, be it a to-do list or time tracking software, tasks become unmanageable, leading to missed deadlines.

Choosing the Right Task Tracking Methodology

Good old paper and pen to-do lists have helped people navigate through daily chores before the advent of technology. The same technique has now been digitalized through to-do apps and other more efficient project management systems and tools. 

With the help of technology, individuals and teams can enhance task tracking and management, prioritization, and productivity without carrying around the notepads!

You can pick the best way to keep track of tasks from these advanced tools keeping in mind your working style and what you need to overcome your time management issues. Let’s look at some popular methodologies and how they can help you monitor your progress.

1. To-Do List Apps

Apps like Todoist allow users to create and manage their task lists digitally. They often provide features such as task prioritization, due dates, reminders, and the ability to categorize tasks. These apps have stood the test of time as a popular and straightforward task tracking methodology. They offer simplicity and flexibility, allowing you to jot down tasks and providing the satisfaction of crossing them off as you complete them. 

Limitation: To-do lists can become overwhelming when tasks pile up, and they may lack visual organization and collaboration features for complex projects. The inability to create a list of subtasks can make tracking complex, multi-step projects more challenging.

2. Kanban Boards

Kanban boards, like Trello, offer visual task tracking by representing tasks as cards in different stages of completion. Users can move tasks across columns, providing a clear overview of task progress by dividing tasks into columns such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Completed." A step further than to-do lists, Kanban boards are excellent for teams that prefer short-term, incremental improvements and the big picture in view.

Limitation: Small details can be overlooked, leading to information overload. Lack of visibility into individual task durations and time spent can be challenging to accurately assess productivity and make data-driven decisions for future planning.

3. Time Tracking

Time tracking allows individuals to track the time spent on each task, providing insights into productivity patterns and improving time management and allocation. This methodology can be implemented through simple time clocks or specialized project management software offering more comprehensive features, such as task assignment and performance tracking. Time tracking tools offer detailed reports, productivity analysis, and the ability to set time-based goals.

Limitation: Manual time tracking may require extra effort to start and stop timers, causing inaccurate time estimates against tasks. 

How to Find the Best System?

Now that we have explored different task tracking methodologies, the key is to find the one that aligns with your work style and preferences. Consider the following factors when deciding:

  • Work Style: Reflect on how you prefer to manage tasks. Do you thrive on visual organization? Are you motivated by the satisfaction of crossing off items on a list? Understanding your work style will help you choose the right tools that complement your natural tendencies.
  • Complexity of tasks: Consider the nature of your tasks and projects. Kanban boards may provide the necessary visual organization if you work on complex, multi-step projects. On the other hand, if you have a high volume of smaller tasks and a detail-oriented approach, a simple to-do list or time tracking methodology might be more suitable.

A Holistic Approach: timegram

If you work in a team or need to share tasks with others, consider methodologies that offer time tracking integrated with task management. Time tracking tools like timegram also provide shared project boards and team-oriented features, allowing you to track time spent on each task and manage them from a unified interface.

timegram gives you detailed reports, productivity insights, and the ability to set individual goals based on time allocation. Its user-friendly design and integration with other productivity and collaboration tools make it convenient for those seeking a holistic task tracking solution.

A comprehensive timeline, including task completion dates, task lists, dependencies, and estimated durations, enables you to implement a task tracking methodology that works best for everyone! 

Get Set, Go: What You Need to Know About Setting Up an Effective Task Tracking System

Whether you are going to stick to a pen-and-paper to-do list, or are ready to try a daily task tracker app, it is important to learn how to utilize your preferred system to your best advantage. Here are some effective strategies for setting up an effective task-tracking system:

1. Defining Goals and Objectives

A clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished allows for task prioritization aligning with your objectives. Defining goals provides focus and direction to determine which tasks are essential and contribute to the desired outcomes.

2. Breaking Down Tasks into Smaller, Manageable Units

Large, complex tasks can be intimidating and may lead to procrastination or inefficiency. Dividing major tasks into smaller, manageable chunks makes it easier to allocate time and resources, track progress, and maintain motivation. Smaller tasks are more attainable, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation as each is completed.

3. Prioritizing Tasks Based on Urgency and Importance

Prioritization is critical to ensure that tasks are addressed in the most effective order. Evaluating tasks based on their complexity, urgency, and importance allows you to focus your time and energy on the most critical tasks first.

Consider using time blocking techniques to designate specific time slots for different activities. It helps create a sense of urgency and prevents tasks from encroaching on each other. Prioritize high value tasks during peak productivity hours and be mindful of realistic time estimates to avoid over-committing.

4. Utilizing Task Management Tools and Software

Task management tools and software can significantly enhance the efficiency of your task tracking strategies. A smart time tracking tool like timegram helps you assign tasks, track progress, set deadlines, and analyze your productivity patterns without much effort. A centralized overview of task status enables you to accurately estimate time spent on various tasks, ensuring better planning and increased productivity.   

5. Tips for Organizing and Categorizing Tasks Effectively

This is a critical rule: Organize tasks under respective categories to save time and avoid confusion while handling them. Here are some tips:

  • Create specific categories or labels to group tasks based on projects, deadlines, priorities, or other relevant criteria.
  • Use tags or labels to indicate task priority levels or dependencies.
  • Consider using color-coding techniques to highlight tasks visually and prioritize them.
  • Regularly review and update task lists to ensure they reflect current priorities and deadlines.
  • Avoid overwhelming task lists by limiting the number of tasks per day and setting realistic expectations.

How to Create and Maintain a Daily Task Tracking Routine

Can you name a thing that doesn’t require maintenance?

From relationships to professional success, everything demands regular input if you want it to work without hiccups! The key is to treat task tracking as a non-negotiable part of your daily routine and reinforce the habit through regular practice.

Establishing a Routine for Planning and Tracking Tasks

Start each day by reviewing your task list and identifying the most important and urgent tasks that must be accomplished. Set aside a dedicated time (15-20 minutes) to plan your day, prioritize tasks, and allocate time blocks for each task.

You can do it in the morning or the night before. A structured task planning routine sets a positive tone for the day by giving you a sense of control and helps maintain focus.

Dealing with Unexpected Interruptions and Adjusting the Plan

Unexpected interruptions are inevitable, so it's important to be flexible and adaptable in your task tracking routine. Add some buffer time in your schedule to accommodate unforeseen engagements, and assess their urgency and relevance when they occur.     

If possible, delegate them to a more suitable time slot in your next day’s schedule. Be prepared to adjust your plan as needed, ensuring that important tasks are still given due attention while addressing any urgent matters that arise.

Incorporating Regular Review and Reflection into the Routine

Reflect on your task tracking system to ensure you have implemented the right tools and strategies. Take time to evaluate your progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate your accomplishments. Consider conducting weekly or monthly reviews to assess your goals, priorities, and the effectiveness of your current routine.

As work requirements change over time, it's important to tweak your task tracking system accordingly. See if you must incorporate new tools, techniques, or methodologies that align with your evolving needs. Flexibility and willingness to adapt are essential to maintaining an effective task tracking routine in the face of changing work demands.

Staying Consistent in Task Tracking Practices

“Talent alone won’t make you a success,” said Johny Carson, “Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: Are you ready?”

If you are not consistent, you are not ready to embrace success. You might be tempted to skip or neglect task tracking, thinking you have the hang of it. Make it a habit to update your task list regularly, mark completed tasks, and track progress.


To sum it up, task tracking is inevitably linked to effective time management. Instead of solely relying on pen and paper to-do lists, it is essential to understand the challenges of a technology-driven world and utilize appropriate tools to improve your organizational skills.

There are various digital apps available to suit different working styles. Your goal should be to choose a solution that integrates time and task tracking with all the essential features of an efficient project management software, like timegram.

Here is what timegram provides you with for effortless task tracking:

  • Automated time tracking,
  • Visual representation of tasks
  • Categorization and scheduling
  • Time estimates and task dependencies
  • Productivity assessment and progress reports
  • Peak productivity hours
  • Integration with other tools
  • Invoice tracking
  • Non-surveillance policy (timegram is the only privacy-first time tracker!)

Automated time-tracking combined with an effective task tracking routine is the preferred strategy of most successful professionals. To know how it works, read more about our key features and sign up today to join the league!


How do you categorize tasks?

Here are some common approaches to task categorization:

  1. Nature of tasks: Tasks can be categorized by type or nature, such as design, development, testing, documentation, or administrative tasks. This helps in organizing and assigning work based on specialized skills or expertise.
  1. Priority: Tasks can be categorized based on their priority level, such as high, medium, or low. This enables teams to focus on urgent and important tasks first and ensures efficient resource allocation.
  1. Dependencies: Tasks can be categorized based on their dependencies, such as tasks that must be completed before others can start. This helps in managing task sequences and identifying critical path activities.
  1. Project phase: Tasks can be categorized based on the project phase, such as planning, execution, or closure. This provides a clear overview of the project's progress and facilitates tracking.
  1. Deadlines: Tasks can be categorized based on urgency, such as immediate, near-term, or long-term tasks. This assists in managing deadlines and ensuring timely completion of critical tasks.

What are the four types of task management?

The four types of task management are:

1. Lists

Task management using lists entails creating and arranging tasks in a sequential order, offering a straightforward method for tracking and completing tasks. They enable users to organize tasks based on deadlines or priorities, set reminders, and some even allow task categorization into folders, enhancing organization and efficiency.

2. Boards

Task management boards, like Kanban or Scrum boards, visually represent tasks in different stages of completion. They offer an overview of task progress, facilitate collaboration, and enable teams to track work in real time. Kanban is a notable example of a task board, where cards representing tasks move across columns such as To-do, In Progress, Review, and Done as work advances.

3. Matrices

Matrices, such as Eisenhower Matrix or Priority Matrix, categorize tasks based on urgency and importance. This method helps prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. It allows individuals to distinguish between important and less urgent tasks, facilitating decisions on what to tackle, delegate, or defer. The time management matrix categorizes tasks into four quadrants: Do, Decide, Delegate, and Delete, providing a structured framework for task management.

4. Timelines

Modern task management software track task progress through timelines which involves setting specific deadlines and visualizing tasks chronologically. This approach helps track project milestones, dependencies, and overall project progress. They are visual, intuitive, and suitable for all employee types. 

How do you manage team tasks effectively?

Task management is a dynamic process that requires regularly revisiting and assessing the effectiveness of your strategies. Here are some tips for effective team task management:

  • Opt for a task management platform to streamline assignments and coordination through automation.
  • Clearly defining tasks to avoid confusion and vague expectations.
  • Prioritize tasks and consider task dependencies when setting deadlines.
  • Cultivate flexibility by thoroughly reviewing tasks and deliverables before sharing them.
  • Be open to feedback and prepared for adjustments if necessary.
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Sidra Ali Shah

About the author

Sidra is a research scholar and a philosophy nerd who fell in love with language at a very young age. She believes it's words and their combinations that make the world go round. In her free time, she likes to brainstorm with her children.

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