How neuron uses timegram to streamline their agency workflow


Neuron, headquartered in the heart of San Francisco, is not just another UI/UX design agency. It's a place where creativity meets complexity. However, beneath the surface of its vibrant portfolio, the agency grappled with a critical operational challenge: managing team capacity and unifying siloed project information.

Ryan Matthew

Neuron, Founding Partner

The Challenge of Breaking Information Siloes

Before timegram, Neuron worked with a number of tools like Harvest, Google spreadsheets, and Trello for time tracking and project planning. However, these tools fell short in consolidating project budgets, timelines, and resource capacity in a single place. In addition, time tracking was mostly inaccurate because of the manual start-stop timers, leading to billing issues and reduced operational transparency.

This lack of integration made it difficult for Ryan Matthew, Founding Partner & UX Lead at Neuron, to assess team capacity, identify overbooked or underallocated members, and understand the time spent on projects. The separation of project information across different platforms hindered Ryan’s ability to see how timeline adjustments impacted budgets and project profitability.

"Before timegram, our project management was all over the place. We had separate systems for everything, and nothing really talked to each other. It was a challenge to get a clear picture of where we stood on projects."

The timegram Solution

Ryan explored alternative time tracking and project management tools and discovered timegram through our blog on managing teams and tight deadlines. timegram's automatic time tracking, fully integrated project management features, and team- and project-based reports made it an ideal choice. The product replaced Harvest’s manual start-stop timers with automatic time tracking, Trello’s task management with time tracking integrated project management, and Google spreadsheets with native resource management capabilities.

"timegram seemed like the perfect middle ground. It was not overly complex but had all the functionalities we desperately needed.”

With timegram, Ryan was able to see exactly which resource has the available capacity to take on more tasks and get a clear picture of a project’s actual vs. estimated time-to-completion, ensuring timely resource adjustments and on-time delivery.

"timegram gave us the visibility we needed. We could see at a glance who was overbooked and who had more capacity, which helped in balancing our team's workload,"

Convincing the team to adopt timegram was easy, mainly because of how simple it made time tracking, the non-invasive nature of the app, and the flexibility it offered for accurately logging the work that went into each task.


timegram's integration into Neuron was more than just a technological upgrade; it was a cultural shift. The tool not only streamlined their operational processes but also brought a sense of joy and ease to the team's daily activities.